Quality In, Quality Out: The Benefits of Better ESG Data Governance
Published February 2021
Novisto White Paper
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Learn about the fundamentals of quality ESG data and how good data governance can improve reporting and enable better management of ESG issues.

Let's talk

Data is a foundational building block to managing and reporting on business-critical issues. Poor data leads to poor decisions and even poorer results. While the importance of data quality in general is not new, what is new are the growing demand and expectations for quality standards to be applied to ESG data and reporting.

The digital transformation and proliferation of machine learning and AI across industries will eventually force companies to account for these new types of data and analytics and integrate them into existing business systems.

ESG data should not be left to its own devices, as it is ripe for the benefits that come from best practices found elsewhere in enterprise data governance and management, the most important being trust.