Webinar | Rethinking the Value Chain of Climate Data and Disclosure
In collaboration with Clearsum, JetBlue Airways and RBC Capital Markets
Jan 18, 2022
Novisto_ webinar_Jan_2022
On-demand Webinar

While a focus on reducing emissions via net zero goals is necessary, it’s not sufficient for businesses to remain relevant in a low carbon economy or resilient throughout the transition.

Let's talk

All actors in the value chain for climate data and disclosure have been overwhelmed by the mountain of information on climate change coming across their desks and have just begun scratching the surface when it comes to integrating climate change considerations into their decisions, due diligence processes, and valuations. A sound climate strategy–one that comprises both a plan to mitigate emissions and a plan to adapt to physical and transition-related impacts of climate change–requires an expanded set of company-level data and an altogether different set of macro-level (contextual) data, beyond what is traditionally considered ESG data, and improves companies’ ability to create enterprise value in a changing climate.

Some questions that will be covered in the webinar: How are actors in the value chain managing the data challenge? Where are they getting data from? How does one acquire macro-level data needed for scenario planning and assessing the long-term risks to the business model and assets? How can companies improve their competitive position and increase their chances of creating enterprise value in a changing climate?