Rethinking the Value Chain of Climate Data and Disclosure
In collaboration with Clearsum | Published December 2021
Novisto Climate Data and Disclosure
Download this Novisto and Clearsum white paper today.

While a focus on reducing emissions via net zero goals is necessary, it’s not sufficient for businesses to remain relevant in a low carbon economy or resilient throughout the transition.

Let's talk

All actors in the value chain for climate data and disclosure have been overwhelmed by the mountain of information on climate change coming across their desks. But even sophisticated actors, such as institutional investors, have just begun scratching the surface when it comes to integrating climate change considerations into their investment decisions, due diligence processes, and valuations.

By developing a holistic climate strategy that effectively mitigates GHG emissions and plans for the transition to a low-carbon economy, and by mindfully investing in adaptation and resilience to climate change, companies can improve their competitive position and increase their chances of creating enterprise value in a changing climate.